Locator Shanghai PrisonsPrisons Shanghai

Prisons in Shanghai

  • Prisons

    , tel.
    , , tel. more
    Prisons located in Shanghai, .
  • Prisons

    Shanghai, , tel.
    Shanghai, , , tel. more
    Prisons located in Shanghai, .
  • 安徽南湖强制隔离戒毒所

    Shanghai, North Ring Road , tel.
    Shanghai, North Ring Road , , tel. more
    Prisons 安徽南湖强制隔离戒毒所 located in Shanghai, North Ring Road .
  • 苏州监狱

    Shanghai, , tel.
    Shanghai, , , tel. more
    Prisons 苏州监狱 located in Shanghai, .
  • Shanghai Juntianhu Prison

    Shanghai, , tel.
    Shanghai, , , tel. more
    Prisons Shanghai Juntianhu Prison located in Shanghai, .
  • Tilanqiao Prison

    Kunming Road , tel.
    Kunming Road , , tel. more
    Prisons Tilanqiao Prison located in Shanghai, Kunming Road .
  • Prisons

    , tel.
    , , tel. more
    Prisons located in Shanghai, .
  • Prisons

    Zhangjing Road , tel.
    Zhangjing Road , , tel. more
    Prisons located in Shanghai, Zhangjing Road .
  • 溧阳监狱

    SheNong Line , tel.
    SheNong Line , , tel. more
    Prisons 溧阳监狱 located in Shanghai, SheNong Line .
  • 常州监狱丫髻山监区

    Shanghai, , tel.
    Shanghai, , , tel. more
    Prisons 常州监狱丫髻山监区 located in Shanghai, .
  • 长兴县看守所

    , tel.
    , , tel. more
    Prisons 长兴县看守所 located in Shanghai, .
  • 五角场监狱

    Jungong Road , tel.
    Jungong Road , 199, tel. more
    Prisons 五角场监狱 located in Shanghai, Jungong Road .
  • 虹口区看守所

    Yueshou Road , tel.
    Yueshou Road , , tel. more
    Prisons 虹口区看守所 located in Shanghai, Yueshou Road .
  • 静安区拘留所/看守所

    Wanchun Street , tel.
    Wanchun Street , , tel. more
    Prisons 静安区拘留所/看守所 located in Shanghai, Wanchun Street .
  • Prisons

    SheNong Line , tel.
    SheNong Line , , tel. more
    Prisons located in Shanghai, SheNong Line .
  • 金坛区看守所

    , tel.
    , , tel. more
    Prisons 金坛区看守所 located in Shanghai, .
  • Prisons

    Shanghai, , tel.
    Shanghai, , , tel. more
    Prisons located in Shanghai, .
  • 上海第四看守所

    , tel.
    , , tel. more
    Prisons 上海第四看守所 located in Shanghai, .
  • 郎溪县看守所

    , tel.
    , , tel. more
    Prisons 郎溪县看守所 located in Shanghai, .
  • Prisons

    Songhua South Road , tel.
    Songhua South Road , , tel. more
    Prisons located in Shanghai, Songhua South Road .
  • 上海市第三看守所

    Shanghai, Qingfeng Road , tel.
    Shanghai, Qingfeng Road , , tel. more
    Prisons 上海市第三看守所 located in Shanghai, Qingfeng Road .
  • 上海市白茅岭监狱

    Xinguang Avenue , tel.
    Xinguang Avenue , , tel. more
    Prisons 上海市白茅岭监狱 located in Shanghai, Xinguang Avenue .
  • 常州市公安局监所管理支队

    Huaxing Road , tel.
    Huaxing Road , , tel. more
    Prisons 常州市公安局监所管理支队 located in Shanghai, Huaxing Road .
  • 南通监狱

    East Canal Road , tel.
    East Canal Road , , tel. more
    Prisons 南通监狱 located in Shanghai, East Canal Road .
  • 常州监狱薛埠监区

    , tel.
    , , tel. more
    Prisons 常州监狱薛埠监区 located in Shanghai, .
  • Prisons

    , tel.
    , , tel. more
    Prisons located in Shanghai, .
  • 上海市女子监狱

    Waiqingsong Highway , tel.
    Waiqingsong Highway , , tel. more
    Prisons 上海市女子监狱 located in Shanghai, Waiqingsong Highway .
  • Shanghai Beixinjing Prison

    Shanghai, Wu Bei Road , tel.
    Shanghai, Wu Bei Road , , tel. more
    Prisons Shanghai Beixinjing Prison located in Shanghai, Wu Bei Road .
  • 上海市新收犯监狱

    Waiqingsong Highway , tel.
    Waiqingsong Highway , , tel. more
    Prisons 上海市新收犯监狱 located in Shanghai, Waiqingsong Highway .
  • 青浦监狱

    Waiqingsong Highway , tel.
    Waiqingsong Highway , 7405, tel. more
    Prisons 青浦监狱 located in Shanghai, Waiqingsong Highway .
  • 泰州市看守所

    , tel.
    , , tel. more
    Prisons 泰州市看守所 located in Shanghai, .
  • 上海市强制隔离戒毒所

    Shanghai, Yingao Road , tel.
    Shanghai, Yingao Road , 2, tel. more
    Prisons 上海市强制隔离戒毒所 located in Shanghai, Yingao Road .
  • 上海市四岔河监狱

    Shanghai, Shifeng Road , tel.
    Shanghai, Shifeng Road , , tel. more
    Prisons 上海市四岔河监狱 located in Shanghai, Shifeng Road .
  • 广德市看守所

    Shanghai, , tel.
    Shanghai, , , tel. more
    Prisons 广德市看守所 located in Shanghai, .

A brief overview of prisons in Shanghai

Here on this page is collected information about prisons, located in Shanghai. Locator knows about 34 prisons near this place among them Prisons, Prisons, 安徽南湖强制隔离戒毒所 and other , which are located on North Ring Road and other streets near. Here you will find the exact addresses, location map, ☎️ telephones, working hours, reviews about these prisons.

  • How many prisons in Shanghai?

    According to Locator data in Shanghai operates 34 prisons.

  • Which prisons are best in Shanghai?

    Locator recommends to visit the following prisons in Shanghai: Prisons, Prisons, 安徽南湖强制隔离戒毒所.

  • Where are the nearest prisons in Shanghai to me?

    To find out which prisons is closest to you, go to the Prisons in Shanghai page and bring the Locator map closer to your location or click on the geolocation icon in the map control unit at the bottom right.

  • What are the prices for prisons services in Shanghai?

    Prices for prisons services in Shanghai depend on the specific service and prisons. Locator allows all prisons to specify prices for their services. To find out about them, go to the link on the service page or see the prices on the specific prisons page.

  • Which prisons services in Shanghai are better to use?⭐

    We recommend that you contact prisons, which has a high rating according to Locator: Prisons, Prisons, 安徽南湖强制隔离戒毒所.

  • How to contact these prisons?

    You can see the contacts for communication with these prisons pharmacies by going to their page. Locator provides the opportunity to contact by phone, email, Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram and through internal messages on the site Locator.

Prisons in Shanghai